that throat game

The throat chakra is one of the upper chakras and governs the way we communicate, balance our emotions, express ourselves and manifest our desires. If our throat chakra is imbalanced, blocked or housing stagnant energy, it can cause a ripple into the other energy systems and throw your whole frequency off. This dis-ease in the energy systems can manifest into actual disease in the body if you don’t tend to your chakras and keep the energy they house clean, free, flowing & glowing.  

When the throat chakra is hitting right and balanced, you will notice that you can speak, listen and express yourself openly and authentically. You can listen whole-heartedly without trying to think of what to say next. Our expressions are fluid and we exhibit positive body language that radiates confidence when we speak because we trust ourselves and our words. The things we say are well thought out and not rushed if that makes any sense.


blocked throat chakra symptoms

Thyroid issues, hormonal imbalances, hearing difficulties, poor body language..I’m serious. When you are not communicating and being your authentic self, it shows up everywhere and one of the first places is in our body language. So fake it all you want, but a blocked throat chakra ain’t fooling nobody. 

A blocked throat chakra can lead to aggression or aggressive behavior, feeling misunderstood and cause us to be hesitant when expressing our emotions. A blocked throat chakra will also cause sudden outbursts of emotions when communicating touchy subjects that cause stirs just below the surface. Like you might just cry out of nowhere and you’re like, WTF?! Why can’t I say anything without crying??? Yep sis, you working with a blocked throat chakra…

So, how do I unblock it then?

Reiki and chakra balancing are two major ways to remove blockages or stagnant energy in the throat chakra. We offer that here, so you know, book a session and let me get that up outcha..

Other ways are through speaking empowering words to yourself, like affirmations to build confidence so you can speak your truth. Color therapy is also good. So you can wear the color blue to work on healing the throat chakra. I recommend light blue to calm your emotions and darker shades of blue to boost confidence. Use lavender and jasmine essential oils to open the throat chakra during meditation. Speaking of meditation, do mindful meditation techniques and focus on your breathwork to detoxify and purify the throat chakra. I usually take in a deep breath and imagine blue light swirling in my throat and clearing out the negative energy. When I exhale, I imagine the bad energy leaving and being replaced with blue light. Weird, I know...but it works for me. You can also do mantra work. The mantra for our throat chakra is “HAM”. The vibration of this word activates the throat chakra. You can try chanting this word and see how the throat feels after you say the word and feel it’s vibration. “RAM” is another good one for the throat chakra. Blue calcite, celestite, amethyst, clear quartz, larimar, turquoise & blue kyanite are great crystals to use when working with our throat chakra.

Check out our shop to pick up some pieces today


I communicate with ease

I trust myself to speak from my heart and from love

My words will build others up and never tear them down

I am an active listener

I set clear boundaries

I am a balanced speaker and listener

I honor my emotions and provide safe spaces to express them

Don’t forget to visit our shop to pick up any crystals, oils or candles you need and to book a reiki/chakra balancing session today to remove the stagnant energy blocking you from speaking your truth and being your authentic self.