The Mystic Vibe offers Reiki/Energy Healing & Chakra Cleansing


Reiki is a Japanese form of metaphysical medicine. Reiki is a stress reduction technique that calms the mind and body, opens the energy fields to allow healing and removes energy blocks in the body. The word Reiki is made of two Japanese words, Rei, meaning “Higher Power” and ki, meaning “life force energy”.

Viewed as a spiritual healing art, Reiki channels positive energy and the Reiki Master then transfers or guides this flow of energy throughout the body. A Reiki Master will focus on the 5 energy fields of the body and remove blockages in each field.

The 5 fields of focus: Physical, Etheric, Emotional, Mental & Spiritual Energy Fields.

Reiki is administered by channeling a person’s energy field, then working within those fields to aid relaxation and promote healing. The purpose is to restore the life force energy of each field and promote wellness. When the energy fields have a low force of energy, a person is prone to sickness, dis-ease, stress, anxiety and other illnesses. However, when the energy fields are strong and high, you possesses the power to improve healing in the mind, body and spirit and project overall wellness.

Please be clear, Reiki is not religion. It is however, spiritual in nature. It has no dogma and there is nothing you need to believe in to use and have Reiki work for you other than an open mind. You need to be in a space open to receiving energy. Because Reiki comes from Source, many of our clients find that Reiki puts them in touch with their spiritual practice and guides them through a very peaceful experience.

History of Reiki

Dr. Mikao Usui, born on August 18, 1865 (shout out to my fellow Leo) in Japan and is the founder of the Usui System of Reiki or Usui Shiki Ryoho. While studying in Japan, Usui became interested in energy movement, different religions and medicines throughout the world and absorbed as much information as he could. Usui was looking for a way to heal himself and others and was certain that energy was the way in doing so.

On his quest for knowledge, Usui traveled to China to study their medicine and disciplines. Usui became a Tendai Buddhist monk and lived in a monastery near Mount Kurama, where he continued his studies. While living at the monastery, he went on a 21 day quest for enlightenment. Usui lived in a cave on Mount Kurama for these 21 days and proceeded to fast, meditate and pray during this time. On the morning of the 21st day, Usui experienced a mystical event ‘seeing’ ancient Sanskrit symbols, which he acknowledged would help him develop the healing system he was looking for.  After this event, Usui set up a clinic in Kyoto, where he began to heal and teach people.

The success of this clinic, allowed Usui to travel all over Japan, taking his Reiki with him.  Usui began teaching others how to heal themselves and offered healing sessions to everyone who requested his services.

Usui’s main teachings were very focused on how to heal yourself, first and foremost, which continues today in the First Degree of Reiki (Reiki One).  His belief being that to be able to heal others, you first need to have healed yourself. By the time of his death on the 9th March 1926, Usui had trained around 16 Reiki Masters. This would guarantee that Usui’s healing system would live on.

Please click the Book Now button to submit a request for consultation and to schedule your Reiki/Energy Healing session today.


chakra cleansing

Chakra is a Sanskrit word meaning “wheel” or “disk” and in the Vedic system they are viewed as the energy centers in the body. While there are 114 chakras or energy centers in the human body, we tend to focus the most on 7 of them.

The main 7 chakras in the human body are the root chakra, the sacral chakra, the solar plexus, Heart chakra, throat chakra, third eye & the crown chakra

Let’s break down each chakra, shall we? OK.

Root chakra or muladhara (1st chakra)

The Root Chakra is located at the base of the spine, its primary color is red and it is symbolized by a lotus with 4 petals. The Root Chakra is our energy center that is most associated with safety and survival. This chakra helps us with our most basic needs and supports the foundation of our lives. This is the chakra that we focus on when we are in need of grounding and to connect with the Earth to manifest it’s energy. This chakra supports our need to feel safe and secure in our lives. The Root Chakra is associated with the element of Earth.

 When the Root Chakra is blocked or if there is an unbalance, we tend to feel or display excessive negativity, insecurity and tend to operate in survival mode. You can feel aggressive, restless, impatient, become obsessed with material objects and display greediness. This stems from our need for survival and fear that if we don’t have what we think we need, we cannot flourish in society.

Psychological symptoms of a blocked root chakra can include anxiety disorders, fear, panic attacks, depression, nightmares, feeling emotionally disconnected from family and friends, disconnected from our own body, anger, rage, co-dependency and a feeling of abandonment.    

The Root Chakras governs the lower part of our body like the lower spine, legs, hips and feet. This blocked chakra can manifest in the body as constipation, circulatory system issues, kidney stones, hypertension, eating disorders, prostate issues in men, sciatica and impotence.

Solutions for opening and removing the blocked Root Chakra can include physical activity, meditation, grounding and Reiki/energy balancing.

sacral chakra or svadhisthana (2nd chakra)

The Sacral Chakra is located about 3 inches below your navel at the center of your belly, is associated with the color yellow and is symbolized by a 6 petal orange lotus. This chakra is associated with the emotional aspect of our body, our creativity and our sensuality. The Sacral Chakras element is water so the energy is characterized as “flowing” or flexible. This chakra also is associated with the ovaries of a woman, the testicles of a man and is connected with the lymphatic system.

The Sacral Chakra deals with our emotions, feelings, relationships, creativity, sexuality, sensual pleasure, fantasies and inner most desires. When this chakra is balanced you are working in harmony with your emotions, nature and the world around you. When the chakra is blocked, it can manifest in the body through co-dependency, feeling numb or out of touch with yourself and your creative juices. You experience a lack of sexual desire or arousal and can feel unattractive and have a tendency to procrastinate. You can feel emotionally confused and feel completely out of touch.

Since this chakra is associated with the element of water and the moon, it is associated with feminine energy and the reproductive system. It is responsible for movement, flow and pleasure in the body. This chakra is all about creating joy, happiness, pleasure and healthy relationships.

solar plexus chakra or manipura (3rd chakra)

The Solar Plexus in the 3rd primary chakra in the Vedic tradition and is associated with the color yellow or gold (if you have a higher frequency), located in the upper part of the belly and is symbolized by a 10 petal yellow lotus flower. This chakras element is fire, has a connection to the sun, works well with citrine and tiger’s eye healing stones and has to do with your will, personal power, decision making abilities and discipline.

When this chakra is thriving, things seem to manifest in your life almost effortlessly and are harmoniously co-existing with the Universe. However, when the Solar Plexus is blocked or imbalanced, manifestations of excessive control, obsessiveness, lack of direction and losing sight of the whole picture can be a result. You can have great ideas but lack an ability to put a thorough plan behind them to bring them to fruition. You tend to harp on the most minute details and fly off the handle at a moments notice.

Physical manifestations of a blocked Solar Plexus can be fatigue, overheating (associated with the Sun), ulcers, diabetes, IBS and excessive weight gain around the stomach or mid-section.

heart chakra or anahata (4th chakra)

The Heart Charka or Anahata is associated with the color green, symbolized by green 12 petal lotus flower and is located in the upper chest area. This chakra is all about love, compassion, balance, harmony and serenity. It’s element is air, associated with breath and although its color is green, rose quartz works wonders with opening this chakra.

When this chakra is open and thriving, we bridge the connection between earthly and spiritual aspirations. We have love for ourselves and all things. We have empathy, compassion, peace, awareness and balance in our lives. We tend to appreciate and can see the beauty in all things. We are open to giving and receiving love freely and can easily express gratitude.

When the Heart Chakra is blocked, we can become overly defensive, feel jealousy, isolated, can hold grudges and become antisocial. We tend to be very self-critical, have a deep sense of fear, can struggle with boundaries and be constantly suspicious. The imbalance can manifest physically through lung infections, respiratory ailments and heart related issues.

throat chakra or vishuddha (5th chakra)

The Throat Chakra is associated with the color blue and is the 5th primary chakra in the body. It is related to the Endocrine or Thyroid body system. It is located at the center of the neck and handles the passage of energy between the lower and upper body. This chakra is symbolized by a blue 16 petal flower. The Sanskrit word, “Vishuddha” means “pure” or “purification”. The Throat Chakra is also the first of the “higher or spiritual” chakras in the body and is associated with the element ether.

This chakra is all about speaking your truth, accepting your individuality and expressing your authentic self. It has a physical association with the throat, ears, neck, shoulders and mouth.

Imbalances in the Throat Chakra can display themselves by finding it hard to communicate in an effective way or having a hard time verbalizing your thoughts. You may tend to keep secrets, bend the truth...or flat our lie in some cases and feel anxious in conversations. Some physical manifestations can include swollen lymph nodes, hyper or hypothyroidism, sinus infections, upper respiratory issues and even hearing loss. Tinnitus is another sign of a blocked throat chakra.

There are many practices you can do to heal or treat the Throat Chakra. Some include, chanting, meditation, color therapy, Reiki, mantras, journaling and sound therapy.

third eye chakra or anja (6th chakra)

The Third Eye or Anja charka is the 6th chakra in the primary chakras and is associated with the color indigo and is symbolized by a 2 petal lotus flower.

The Third Eye is a chakra that can transcend time. It is located in the brain, more specifically in the pineal gland and is the all seeing between both the inner and outer worlds. The energy if this chakra opens up and tunes us into our intuition, our spiritual gifts and when fully activated can allow for both sides of the brain to operate in harmony and synchrony. This chakra is holistic in nature, is the essence of consciousness and allows to understand that which we cannot see. This chakra is responsible for our imagination, intuition, thought and self-awareness.

When the Third Eye is blocked, we tend to be close-minded, paranoid, lack intuition, out of tune with ourselves, can suffer from mental illness and mood disorders. You rarely feel creative, you are overly logical, you live in a daydream to escape your reality, can become addicted to material things that you think will make you happy, are disconnected from your true self, you lack trust, find it hard to trust people and can suffer from frequent headaches or migraines.

The crown chakra or sahasrara (7th chakra)

The 7th chakra is the Crown Chakra. Located at the top of the head, associated with the color white or deep purple and is symbolized a circle with a thousand petals. This chakra leads us to higher levels of consciousness and puts us in direct contact with Source Energy.

The Crown Chakra is related to the pituitary gland with a secondary association to the pineal and hypothalamus. Because of it’s location the Crown Chakra is also associated with the brain and the nervous system. A balanced crown can result in higher levels of awareness, wisdom, ecstasy, bliss, liberation, limitless potential and a communion with higher levels of consciousness. When aligned, we are able to transcend  our limitations and be one with the Universe. We experience a constant flow of powerful energy and in some cases experience enlightenment as this chakra is the gateway to our cosmic or divine self.

When the Crown Chakra is blocked we tend to experience a disconnect from Spirit. We express cynicism to that which is sacred and can become completely detached from earthly matters. We can have major ego issues, suffer from insomnia, depression, mental fog and loneliness. Physical manifestations of a blocked Crown Chakra can be headaches and migraines, light sensitivity,  neurological disorders and mental illnesses such as schizophrenia.

To balance this chakra, we need to work on cleaning the energy blockages around the head area and above all, MEDITATE, MEDITATE, MEDITATE.