A Tourmaline Dream

Have you ever wanted to fix shit and fix it quick? Or super-manifest something like right now?? I know I have. And when I want to crush those road blocks and align with my higher self, there is one crystal that is hands down in my top 3 of go to crystals I work with. Yep, that’s right and you guessed it…it is Black Tourmaline Quartz.

We get black tourmaline quartz when A quartz crystal forms with needle-like pieces of black tourmaline known as Schorl.

Black Tourmaline quartz carries so many metaphysical & spiritual benefits, it’s insane. It can literally work with your energy to heal digestive issues while at the same time, decalcifying your pineal gland and removing blockages in the Third Eye or Brow chakra.  What makes this stone so special is that it works with yin/yang energies to protect us from negative thoughts, impulses, emotions & reactions and brings just this dope sense of harmony. Tourmaline quartz works great at absorbing & transmuting negative energy in our bodies and the environment. It is one of the best at being able to work in all of the energy fields.

Tourmalinated quartz is a powerful purifier because quartz is an amplifier. Let’s just take a second and think about what the quartz stone is amplifying….

Black Tourmaline by itself is an epic piece for anyone to own that is into crystals. Stand alone, it is the perfect conduit for balancing energy. You can feel the benefits in the upper and lower chakras but a lot of us use it for the healing benefits it has when working in the secondary chakras of the hands and feet.  Black tourmaline’s energy is also a very protective one. It’s strong energy wants to bring a sense of calm and relief to any anxiety the body or mind feels. It balances the left and right brain and many believe when used in meditation, will bring clarity to your thoughts. Black tourmaline helps cut through the layers and force you to look honestly at yourself to get the answers you seek. Many work with black tourmaline in spell work and shadow work since it protects us from psychic attacks and also because it is a catalyst for transformation. 

So, when you “amplify” all that yummy goodness with quartz, how could it not be one of the most prized crystals to work with in energy healing?!??! I personally use tourmaline quartz on my clients in reiki/energy healing sessions and I get great feedback from it. I believe it calms the mind to allow the healing energy to flow through all of the chakras and restore balance to the energy fields. Which energy field you ask? ...ALLUM. 

Meditation is one of the best practices you can indulge in when working with black tourmaline quartz. It brings such a calming peace to your meditation. But not only that, it helps you access other realms of consciousness and awaken your life purpose or soul calling. I love this crystal because it keeps me grounded when travelling through other realms of consciousness towards my Higher Self. It has that strong Earthy element that makes me feel safe enough to trust and let go in the journey through those heady chakras unlocking intuition, guidance and clarity. Clarity to help us get to the root cause of all of our bullshit. What holds you back...what keeps you from reaching your potential...what keeps you on your wheel of procrastination...yea, all that bullshit. Oh, and did I mention is works nicely in astral projection?...don’t let me forget that..

setting intentions

Using this stone while setting intentions will help to amplify (there’s that word again) interactions with your Higher Self. Use it for just 20 minutes a day during meditation and BOOM, shit starts to happen...Here’s a little thank me later..

When meditating with Tourmaline quartz, visualize white light healing energy coming in through your crown and pushing all the way down into your feet. Hold that breath for 3 count and release. On the exhale, visualize the negative energy and blockages pouring out of the bottom of your feet, going back into the Universe to be cleansed, recharged and reused. 

Now, not only is Tourmaline quartz a great conductor, protector and amplifier, it is also a supreme neutralizer. It works effortlessly to neutralize toxic energy and is perfect when you want your sacred space to feel balanced & recharged. It can neutralize electromagnetic energy so I always keep a small piece in my workspace near my laptop. I am sensitive to that kind of energy so I find it helps with that. 

And lastly, Tourmaline quartz is associated with the astrological signs Libra, Scorpio & Capricorn. So it is no surprise that this further confirms the stone's quest to bring balance, protection and intuition into your life. 

I have some pretty awesome black tourmaline quartz crystal points in the shop so click the link below to get yours today!