The Mystic Vibe Beginner Guide: Root Chakra

Do you hold onto every penny like you’re scared you don’t know where the next one will come from? On the flip side, are you a shopaholic with such an obsession for material things and you never really spend time appreciating what you already have? How about this...are you anxious all the time and easily angered if your routine changes even the slightest bit? Or what about physical ailments? Do you suffer from problems with your bladder or lower back pain that seems to come out of the blue or TMI, I know, but maybe you have issues with constipation?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, chances are you have blocked root chakra.

The root or muladhara chakra is the first of the 7 main chakras and sets the tone for balance or imbalance in your body. If this chakra is out of balance or blocked, chances are that other chakras are blocked as well. The root chakra is the foundation that provides you with a sense of harmony, peace and security during your journey here on Earth. It is located at the base of the spine and is the center of your physical and emotional experiences. When this chakra is balanced, you create a flow of energy that helps the other chakras open and  remain balanced. Yes, the other chakras can become blocked for other reasons but one thing is for sure, if your root chakra is closed, blocked or imbalanced, other chakras are sure to be also.

When your root chakra is funky, it throws off your whole vibe.

It can show itself by manifesting:

  • Restlessness

  • Anger Issues

  • Anxiety

  • Greediness

  • Impatience

  • Obsession for material things

And on the physical level you could experience:

  • Bladder Problems/Disease

  • Kidney Stones

  • Lower Back Spasms

  • Sciatica

  • Eating Disorders

  • Weakness in the legs

  • Chronic Fatigue

  • Prostate Disease

When your energy is glowing and flowing through the root chakra, you manifest confidence, a sense of peace and sound survival instincts. You have a strong will, vitality and energy about yourself that exudes through self security and confidence. It is easier for you to overcome obstacles and life just seems a little bit easier to manage.

The key in maintaining balance in the body’s energy centers is to listen to your body and pay attention when it is trying to tell you something. When you first notice these symptoms, don’t put them off thinking they will just resolve on their own. Chances are they are nudging at the idea that something more serious could arise if left unattended to. So listen and pay attention to these signs, they are telling you that something in your mind, body or spirit needs to be healed. 

Now that you’re listening to your body and think you might have a blocked root chakra, here are a few ways to work on bringing balance back into this energy center.


GROUNDING & connecting with the earth

Grounding is the best thing to establish your connection with the Earth again. Some of the easiest ways to do this are to stand in the grass barefoot imagining Mother Earth’s energy coming up into your left foot, pushing all of the negative energy in your body back into the Earth through your right foot. This energy is given back to the Earth to be cleansed, recycled and renewed.

You can also go for a walk in nature or work in a garden.

Another great idea for reconnecting is to unplug from technology. That’s right, unplug to plug in. Turn off the phone, the social media and just be. Sit in silence and listen to what you body is telling you. Focus on sending your root chakra silent assurance that you trust it and know that you will be fine.

When we ground and connect back to the Earth, we induce a sense of peace and safety in this chakra space



It’s true, meditation is something that can work in every aspect of your life. Meditation helps us let go of a need for the material possessions and distractions we face everyday with over saturated consumerism.

Meditation can help bring a calmness to the body that you do not feel when your root chakra is blocked.

meditation reconnects the mind to the body and brings balance to all energy centers



There are specific yoga poses you can incorporate into your practice when trying to stimulate or balance the root chakra. These poses include, tree pose, sukhasana or easy pose, child’s pose, garland pose, bridge pose and sun salutations.

Spend 5 minutes each morning doing these poses while expressing gratitude for 3 things in your life and this will be a sure fire way to bring balance and harmony into your root chakra.

expressing gratitude for everything in our life can help us realize we do have enough and there is no need to obsess over the things we don’t have or think we are missing out on

There are also healing stones or crystals we use when working with the root chakra.

red carnelian

Red Carnelian is ideal for sending healing vibrations to your root chakra, keeping it open and balanced.Carnelian is known for stimulates power and stamina, promotes confidence and is known to be a stone of action. Willing you to move forward with your goals and providing you with the clarity to see them through. 


 Another great stone to use when working with the root chakra is Bloodstone. Bloodstone is great when used for grounding and protection. It removes negative energy from the environment and from our own energy fields. It is also an excellent blood cleanser. 


Tourmaline is perfect at helping us realize our potential and reducing fear. It promotes happiness and provides a sense of security. It also is said to reduce anxiety. 

Incorporating these stones into your meditation practice can increase the flow of positive energy in the body and bring an overall sense of balance in the lower chakras.


USE COLOR THERAPY to channel the root chakra

There have been many studies on color therapy and how it can enhance a mood or feeling in the mind and body.

Wear red to stimulate the root chakra

Red is the color of blood and of fire, so it can represent energy associated with power, strength, passion & determination.

working with your chakras and re-activating their energy sources by spending one day a week focusing on each individual chakra.

So maybe you can dedicate your Sundays to grounding, quiet meditation or yoga to bring about peace, harmony and confidence in your life.

Wear red clothes on this day, eat grounding foods like carrots, potatoes, onions,  garlic and protein rich foods such as eggs, beans or peanut butter. You can also drink dandelion tea which is good for balancing the root chakra.

Be sure to dance, take a walk in nature and take time out to celebrate yourself and your personal victories. This will set the tone for the week and help your other chakras become aligned and optimal.